How to Create a More Inclusive Workplace in 2022


Over the past two years, workplace culture has suffered significantly. It goes without saying that a diverse staff is stronger. Companies that welcome and value workers from all backgrounds in an inclusive workplace benefit from increased creativity and innovation, a solid corporate culture, better employee productivity, and other factors.

However, inclusion and diversity are not the same thing. As the next step in successfully supporting a diverse workforce, think of inclusion. It all comes down to creating an atmosphere where each employee feels included and welcomed.

Although having an inclusive workplace culture helps us feel good, there are far more advantages than just that. They therefore make simple business sense.

According to Deloitte, inclusive workplaces have 2.3 times more cash flow per employee over non-inclusive workplaces over a three-year period and are 6 times more likely to be innovative.

In order to assist your employees succeed, regardless of sex, ethnicity, gender, age, background in religion, physical ability, or sexual orientation, we’ve compiled 12 recommendations for you to use when launching your inclusiveness efforts.

1. Get buy-in from the top

Your leadership team will be your strongest supporters when it comes to fostering and promoting an inclusive workplace. If the C-suite doesn’t emphasise diversity, it will be difficult to prioritise it at your workplace.

2. Integrate inclusivity into your core values

You should already have a practise of routinely reviewing your company’s core principles, especially during times of significant change. Get the support of leadership to update your core values’ statement on inclusive office space and put it into action if it doesn’t currently exist.

Ask for ideas and opinions from all company-wide employees to get the most bang for your money, especially if your leadership and HR teams as a whole aren’t extremely diverse. The other viewpoints could assist you fill in a gap you may have missed and gain important top-to-bottom buy-in.

3. Model inclusive language

You can be a strong force of change in any workplace as an HR professional by not just talking the talk but also walking the walk. Use inclusive language in all of your professional communications.

As always, exercise extreme caution to refrain from using foul words. If you do, be sure to say you’re sorry in the right way and take the necessary steps to prevent a repetition in your workplace.

4. Encourage a culture of frequent check-ins

One-on-one meetings aren’t just for giving quick feedback at workplace. They present chances to increase confidence in the workplace. And trust is essential for the open communication that enables workers to honestly express their wants or discuss difficulties they might encounter at workplace (particularly those of a sensitive nature).

5. Create safe spaces

By providing gender-neutral restrooms, many workplaces have already done a fantastic job of encouraging non-binary and genderqueer inclusiveness.

If your company hasn’t already built one of these offices, think about it. Consider other workplace privacy and safety requirements, such as those for nursing mothers, areas for meditation or prayer, and quiet workspaces for staff members who can be overstimulated or disturbed by open floor patterns.

6. Create an inclusive workplace task force

Consider the stakeholders and important actors whose involvement could assist bring your office space’s inclusiveness culture to life now that you have the C-support. suite’s These should be individuals who are committed to diversity and who are willing to spend additional time and effort to carry out the plan.

7. Expand your company holiday calendar

In the workplace, tiny gestures can have a big impact. For minority groups, even modest displays of representation can have a profound impact.

Take a peek at the holiday schedule for your organisation. Be sure to include holidays that reflect the company’s overall religious values in addition to popular ones like Christmas and New Year’s.

8. Recognize and reward everyone’s performance

We at Boardwalk India cannot emphasise enough the importance of praise and rewards. Singling out and rewarding certain conduct not only increases morale and increases employee engagement, but it also communicates your company’s values.

Review the personnel who have previously gotten public recognition and for what before the beginning of the following quarter.

Take into account the message your organisation is sending to your staff about the particular abilities and talents it values if you constantly reward the same actions (such as top sales). Consider other, less obvious contributions that support the growth of your business, employees, and culture, and put them on the list for appreciation in the upcoming quarter.

10. Make sure your office is wheelchair-accessible

Make sure your office space is wheelchair-accessible to welcome both guests and all staff, especially common areas like the toilets.

Even if your building complies with the ADA, it might be simple to pack hallways and corners in older office spaces due to short steps or uneven flooring that provide significant mobility challenges.

Walk through every common area of your office space. Better yet, if it’s possible, rent or borrow a wheelchair and use it to get around. Making your office more accessible for everyone will help you detect accessibility problems.

11. Emphasize inclusivity in diversity training

Do your staff understand that diversity and inclusivity are not the same thing? A diverse workplace could exist without being inclusive.

Despite being present, employees may feel left out or underrepresented in the workplace culture.

In order for staff members to truly embrace the variety around them and acquire the soft skills necessary to succeed in a varied setting, it is important to clearly address this issue in training.

12. Create opportunities for conversation

We never stop learning new things about the people around us, despite how woke we may think we are. At workplace, your employees probably have close ties with their immediate coworkers, but how well-acquainted are they with their other coworkers?

By providing opportunities for workers to mingle and converse, promote an inclusive workplace atmosphere. This might require a formal framework, such as town hall gatherings.

Don’t undervalue the authenticity of informal events like lunches, happy hours, volunteer days, or cross-team activities that take place in a casual setting like an office.


Fostering a sense of belonging at work goes hand in hand with developing an inclusive workplace culture. “When organisations emphasise a culture of belonging in the workplace, they construct a bridge to more empathy and inclusion for the groups that are the most marginalised in the workplace today,” according to Harvard Business Review.

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