What are The 7 Elements of Interior Design?

interior design

Seven appears to be a magic number a lot of the time, and interior design is no different. Look to the seven elements and principles of interior design for creative ideas if you’ve been caught in a rut with your home decor. Going back to the basics can teach you a lot of things, you might be surprised. Continue reading to learn more!

  • What are the Seven Basic Elements of Interior Design?
  • Seven elements of interior design includes
  • Why Be Theoretical About Interior Design?

What are the Seven Basic Elements of Interior Design?

“The whole is more than the sum of its parts,” as the saying goes. The same is true of interior design, which is actually nothing more than an illusion brought about by skillfully balancing various components.

Consider it this way: becoming knowledgeable about the components of the recipes you love will aid in your culinary mastery. Similarly, mastering decorating will come from knowing the design components that go into your favourite styles.

Seven elements of interior design includes:

  1. Colour
  2. Form
  3. Light
  4. Line
  5. Pattern
  6. Texture
  7. Space


Colour is more than simply a design element; it can affect the atmosphere and general mood of a room. For instance, red is typically thought of as a “passionate” or “intense” colour. In contrast, yellow is frequently connected to adjectives like “happy” and “optimistic,” whereas blues and greens are typically seen as “calm” or “soothing.” If you’re choosing a colour scheme for your room, think about the energy or attitude you want to create as well as your personal taste in design.

Colour can give the impression that a room is bigger or smaller than it actually is. For instance, a room can appear larger when painted white, whereas a room can appear smaller when painted black. Here are a few crucial things to think about: Are you trying to create a lively area and are seeking for bold, striking colours? Or do you want to stick to a more neutral, monochromatic look? Consider colour as the fundamental elements or base upon which to design the remainder of your room. By deciding on your colour palette in advance, you complete a particular task that will be crucial to the room design process.


Shape can also be referred to as form, which describes the outlines of any decorative object, including furniture and artwork. It describes the room’s general layout as well as the furnishings. Natural curves and balance are the cornerstones of form. Natural shapes and geometric forms can be found in flooring, lighting, and furniture. Real and asymmetrical, natural shapes might be curved or abstract. Sharp, artificial lines and edges characterise geometric formations. Natural shapes have a more delicate appearance, whereas geometric shapes are typically aggressive.


Ever find yourself cringing at a poorly lit photo? Then you are already aware of how much lighting may influence how we perceive things!

Whether the illumination comes from artificial, natural, or a combination of both sources, good lighting is essential to every room. Lighting creates an atmosphere in your room. Getting the right amount of both artificial and natural light can guarantee that your room looks fantastic all day. Consider aspects like the light’s colour (warm yellow or cool blue), intensity (bright for cooking or gentle for reading), and if it should be dimmable when selecting the lighting for your space.


Consider a line as the boundary encircling a shape or form. If you were to sketch any object in the space, for instance, you would most likely begin with its contour. 

Lines can assist lead the eye toward a focal point and give your home design a direction. Additionally, lines provide structure. Your space might be influenced by different lines. Horizontal lines are side-to-side, whereas vertical lines are up and down. Horizontal lines, which are common on furniture like tables and chairs, give the impression of stability. Usually, windows, doors, and fireplaces have vertical lines. According to interior designers, vertical lines are expressive and daring, while horizontal lines provide a sense of security.

Additionally, there are dynamic lines. When applied carefully, dynamic lines—which have their own set of rules—may give any area a lively, entertaining feel. Just two examples of dynamic lines that provide your room an eye-catching feature are zigzags and diagonals! 


Repeating shapes, lines, or other features of interior design on purpose is called a pattern. Patterns give space intrigue and vitality. Though they can show up anywhere in the house, including in lighting or other design aspects, patterns are typically found on wallpaper or textiles. Patterns might be abstract, floral, geometric, or any other style you can imagine. They give a piece of visual texture. While patterns give a room vitality and movement, an excessive number of conflicting patterns can make the room appear disorganised, so choose your favourite prints carefully.


Texture, not to be confused with pattern, is the feeling of an object. This might refer to the tactile quality of the item (its actual feel) or the impression it leaves on the viewer (its visual texture). For instance, because of the imaginative use of texture, you may say that a surface appears “weathered” or “vintage” without ever touching it.

When it comes to areas of your house that you interact with on a regular basis, such as your flooring, texture selection is very crucial. To start each day off well, our professionals at Boardwalk India can assist you in finding floors with the ideal, cosy texture.


Finally, space plays a crucial role in almost all design choices. Two fundamental categories of space are 2-D space, which takes into account a room’s length and width, and 3-D space, which takes into account a room’s height. For instance, when thinking about carpets or rugs, only 2-D space is necessary; but, when adding new shelving or furniture, 3-D space must be taken into account. It’s also critical to have a balance between positive and negative space. Areas in your room that are furnished and decorated are referred to as positive space, whilst empty space is known as negative space.

Why Be Theoretical About Interior Design?

The area of interior design is intricate and multifaceted, requiring a profound comprehension of numerous design theories and principles. Although it could be alluring to go straight into the practical side of space design, understanding the fundamentals of interior design is essential to developing a successful and useful plan.

1. Gives a solid foundation:

A strong basis for developing successful design solutions is provided by comprehending design theories and principles. Understanding how various design aspects work together, how colours affect energy and mood, and how lighting can add or take away from a place are all made easier with the aid of design theories. You may create a unified, aesthetically beautiful room that satisfies the needs of the client by understanding these ideas and principles of interior design aspects.

2. Helps create a unique design style:

Possessing theoretical knowledge of interior design can also aid in the development of a distinctive style that distinguishes you from other designers. You can mix several design ideas and styles in novel and imaginative ways to create a distinctive aesthetic that embodies your design philosophy and personality by learning about them.

3. Helps problem-solve:

Complex issues including lighting, furniture placement, and space planning must be resolved in interior design. You can handle these issues methodically and logically by being aware of design theories and the fundamentals of interior design aspects. This guarantees that your design solutions are practical and functional in addition to being aesthetically beautiful.

4. Enhances creativity:

Understanding interior design theoretically can also help you become more imaginative and creative. You may think creatively and develop original and inventive design solutions by being aware of various design ideas and principles. This can assist you in pushing the envelope and producing designs that are not just elegant but also creative and useful.


Gaining knowledge of various theories and ideas pertaining to interior design elements will help you formulate a distinct design aesthetic, handle problems creatively, and ultimately produce aesthetically pleasing and practical places.

For more information on the 7 elements of interior design, visit us at www.boardwalkindia.com

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